No Bugs in the teeth

I believe in the importance of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. I'm reminded of it everytime I have to clean off the bugs from the face shield! No bugs in my teeth unless I put them there!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The New Dollar Coins - Hoax about "IN GOD WE TRUST"

OK, friends and other readers. I JUST got another email from a concerned friend saying "DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE!” This and other hoaxes have been spread on the internet and email since both were created!
They make very concerned people and often Christians look like fools. I guess the hoax-spreaders hope that if Christians look like fools, their beliefs would look foolish!

So, please help stop this hoax madness! When you get an email, research it before spreading it on! For this one it is VERY easy to verify. Just go to a bank and hand the teller a dollar and ask for a dollar coin! LOOK AT IT! Look at the edge. If you still don't want the coin, you can hand it back and get a paper dollar. BUT you will see that "IN GOD WE TRUST" has only been moved to the edge. (Granted someone could shave the edge, but that is technically a Federal offense.) I went to a coin vending machine and put in a $5 paper bill and got 5 coins ... yup, EVERY ONE had "IN GOD WE TRUST" on them!

I have included a couple photos I have found, but don’t take my word for it. CHECK IT OUT!! If you get this hoax email, immediately reply to the sender and all receivers about it being a hoax. (The email to me had the subject: "The Switch has Begun!! IMPORTANT-PLEASE READ")

If I could find the originator of this email, I think I would slap them!